Implementing green walls
Get an insight into cases where green walls have been successfully implemented.
What is a green wall - and why is it interesting?
Hear Torben Eg Hoffmann from Byggros talk about some of the benefits of green walls and why they are here to stay. The video showcases an example of how a private developer has used green walls for their sound reducing as well as aesthetic properties.
Green walls in urban areas
Listen to Torben Eg Hoffmann from Byggros talk about how an advertisement billboard on a building combined with a green wall can become a three-dimentional work of art. You can also hear about how green walls can function as a mural that changes its appearance along with the seasons.
Green walls in architecture
In this video, Torben Eg Hoffmann from Byggros explains how green walls interact with people and become a conversation piece in dense cities. You can also hear about the future possibilities for integrating green walls and the frost of buildings into one.
Green walls through the eyes of a property superintendent
Hear Kasper Furu Nielsen from DEAS talk about how they renovate their properties for energy efficiency, as well as the opportunities and challenges they encounter. You will also learn why the project is important to DEAS and how they can use the green wall as a tool in their properties.