Work Packages
View the eight work packages focusing on the main aspect: The development of the new concept of a domestic hot water heat pump combined with a green plant wall.
WP1 - System design and operation strategy 1.0 is developed and ready for demonstration. The system is designed based on existing knowledge. However, the development of this technological solution is unfamiliar and, therefore, the first prototype will be further developed into version 2.0.
WP2 - First prototype is set up. In parallel with the final phase of WP1, the first prototype is set up at Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup.
WP3 - First test and measurement period are completed - 1st season. Data and experience are collected for further development of the system.
WP4 - System design and operation strategy 2.0 is developed and ready for demonstration. Alongside the final phase of the first measurement period, version 2.0 of the system design is developed. WP4 is, therefore, achieved at the same time as WP3.
WP5 - First test and measurement period are completed - 2nd season. This milestone happens in connection with WP6.
WP6 - Final system design, dimensioning tools, and operation strategy are developed and ready for market development, as the final system design, dimensioning tools, and operation strategy are developed based on the experience collected in WP5.
WP7 - Blueprint for system solution at host/end-user is made out. At a host/end-user, a ready-made design solution is ready for execution. The design solution is based on the technological solution developed in the project.
WP8 – Project day conducted and project reported.